
Download AlyJamesLab OB-XTRM v2.0.1 Free Full Activated

  • Download AlyJamesLab OB-XTRM  v2.0.1 Free Full Activated
  • Download AlyJamesLab OB-XTRM  v2.0.1 Free Full Activated

Free download AlyJamesLab OB-XTRM v2.0.1 full version standalone offline installer for Windows PC,

AlyJamesLab OB-XTRM Overview

What happens when you take eight mono synths and use them together? Huge analog sound! This sound is the result of slight imperfections between each voice card and, because of some electronic components (mis)behavior, parts from the original circuit (notably the OB-X) caused all sorts of distortion happening at different stages from filter to VCA and also at the output stage, OB-Xtreme place special attention to the later with an emphasis on "the Growl."

There is a lot to say about what V2 is, and I can already say what it is not: a simple V1 cross-platform update. V2 is a complete remake. While V1 was a more straightforward take on an OB voice card architecture, V2 is more closely related to original OB designs and specs (including features from OB-X, OB-Xa, etc.). It is not a direct V1 replacement. Nevertheless, it got a Legacy mode for Envelope Generators and Filter control so that V1 sounds can be reproduced or made (more on that later).

V2 has higher specs in every part of the circuit, and it comes as an upgraded gift to all V1 owners. V1 owners will get it free or use a "give what you want" option.

Features of AlyJamesLab OB-XTRM

Cross Platform 64bit capability (Windows VST3 and Mac AU(Audiounit)
64bit build using the latest OS and IDE(PC VisualStudio and Mac Xcode)
Updated GUI(graphic Interface) also now using high-res graphics and DPI awareness
Rewritten and Refined sound engine
8 voices poly or mono unison with per voice PAN control and global stereo widening control can also turn into authentic (one voice) mono or act as polyphonic unison (8x8)
Most of the OB-X/OB-Xa functions were added (OSC shapes, X-MOD, F-ENV, SYNC, etc.) to the new modulation routing.
Enhanced oscillators spectrum and filter modes (2Pole/4Pole LowPass and 2Pole BandPass) based on OB 2pole SVF and CEM 3320 24Db, 4Pole can have an optional volume compensation
Accurate SAW + PULSE OSC mixing (can produce +1 octave harmonic depending on the pulse width).
Up to x32 oversampling
POST and PRE OTA (CA3080 chip used for VCA, Filter, and Output Stage) variable distortion (Xtreme factor) with bypass
X8 Voice cards voltage offsets and deviation can now be controlled easily by five macro controls
Legacy modes for Filter modulation and EG/VCA shapes to match V1 sounds and behavior
Vibrato LFO, original LFO + additional LFO 2, Phase reverse option mode for LFO (card 1,3,5,7) got phase reversed modulations, can also invert Keytracking
LFOs have gate re-triggering option, SINE, RAMP, PULSE, SAW, TRI, S&H, and Noise shapes
LFO can be set to single: one LFO on the main board for all voice cards or to multi: one LFO per card
Optional OB-X 6bit resolution on the Filter Cutoff knob scanning
Sustain pedal can act normally or use the OB Mode (sustain like a piano) controllable Envelope Release offset
Basic internal preset browser with main categories
OB-X (light mode) or OB-Xa (dark mode) changeable skins

System Requirements and Technical Details

Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more

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How to download and install AlyJamesLab OB-XTRM

Or you can read the article dedicated to the download and installation steps: How to download softwares from PeskTop


8.74 MB
Zip password: 123
Program details
  • Program size
    8.74 MB
  • Version
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  • Last updated
    Before 11 Month
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