
Download Tone Projects Unisum v1.1.6 Free Full Activated

  • Download Tone Projects Unisum  v1.1.6 Free Full Activated

Free download Tone Projects Unisum v1.1.6 full version standalone offline installer for Windows PC,

Tone Projects Unisum Overview

Built-in collaboration with experienced mastering professionals, Unsium features clean wideband compression driven by flexible multi-band detection and extensive control over envelope and transfer curve. Whether you want to add glue or groove, shape the dynamic contours, or solve a challenge in the mix, Unisum helps you achieve your goal with precision and integrity.

One of its most compelling traits is its incredible clean compression. With extremely low intermodulation distortion and practically no digital aliasing, Unisum rivals high-end analog gear. Combined with musical level detection, program-dependent envelopes, and smooth gain reduction, Unisum delivers transparent compression ideally suited for program material demanding the highest fidelity.

It is a unique multi-band detection path offering immense control. The sidechain is split into 3 frequency bands, each with parallel RMS and peak detectors. The result is efficient yet musical level tracking with the flexibility to tailor the response for a perfect fit with any track. You can also set up frequency-dependent thresholds, ratios, and attack/release without killer crossovers in the audio path.

It stays clean until you tell it not to. Engage the HYGGE circuit to add a mastering grade transformer and tube warmth. Being highly level and frequency-dependent, HYGGE imparts subtle weight and thickness to any sound. With Memory Effect, you can mimic the program-dependent behavior of Opto compressors or inverse it for a very different feel/you might want to crank the RMS detector speed for some low-end bite.

Features of Tone Projects Unisum

Exceptionally clean compression
Wideband compression with multi-band control
Full creative control
Add depth and energy without sacrificing the integrity of the source material
Control stereo image and add natural width using Mid/Side mode and flexible channel linking
Add polish and cohesive glue to any mix regardless of style
Shape Attack and Release curves for perfect grab and movement
Tailor every part of the compression response to a unique fit with the material
Solve challenges in a mix with the highest possible precision and fidelity

System Requirements and Technical Details

Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
VST3 (32/64 bit), AAX (64 bit)
RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more

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How to download and install Tone Projects Unisum

Or you can read the article dedicated to the download and installation steps: How to download softwares from PeskTop


16.71 MB
Zip password: 123
    Old versions
Program details
  • Program size
    16.71 MB
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  • Last updated
    Before 1 Year
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