
Download Assimilate Scratch 9.3 Build 1052 Free Full Activated

  • Download Assimilate Scratch 9.3 Build 1052 Free Full Activated

Free download Assimilate Scratch 9.3 Build 1052 full version standalone offline installer for Windows PC,

Assimilate Scratch Overview

It covers all bases and can be the foundation of your workflow while still integrating with other dailies- and editorial-system or specialized post-tools.

Features of Assimilate Scratch

Primary- and secondary grading: qualifiers, curves, vectors, unlimited grading layers and masks in any (free form) shape.
Flexible and fully automated Color space management covering all major color spaces, including ACES. Support for a wide variety of LUT formats.
Versioning: easily create, manage, compare and switch between versions of shots.
Full support for grading panels and surfaces.
Shape tracking and animation of any effect, grade and layer geometry.
Support for third party OpenFX plug-ins. SCRATCH standard comes with a paint module, a text module, bicubic layers to warp any surface.
Easily navigate and view complex composite trees while in the context to the full timeline.
Nest and cache a node to preserve realtime playback with complex composites.
Manage your Stereo 3D project almost just as easy as any standard 2D production with automated convergence.
Create and manage complex output trees / templates for all deliverables.
Multiple resolutions, formats and framerates – QuickTime, MXF, dpx, EXR, DCI compatible J2k, and more – all in one go.
Add subtitles, logo’s or deliverable specific grades.
Publish directly to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook or SCRATCH Web.
SCRATCH Remote; connect multiple SCRATCH systems from all around the world for a creative grading session.
Store your user settings online – grades, gallery items, panels settings in the cloud so you can take place behind any SCRATCH system anywhere and enjoy your own setup
Publish to SCRATCH Web to share content online in a secure manner.

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How to download and install Assimilate Scratch

Or you can read the article dedicated to the download and installation steps: How to download softwares from PeskTop


162.36 MB
Zip password: 123
Program details
  • Program size
    162.36 MB
  • Version
    9.3 Build 1052
  • Program language
  • Last updated
    Before 8 Month
  • Downloads
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