
Download Chinese Visual Vocabulary Builder 1.3.1 Free Full Activated

  • Download Chinese Visual Vocabulary Builder 1.3.1 Free Full Activated
  • Download Chinese Visual Vocabulary Builder 1.3.1 Free Full Activated
  • Download Chinese Visual Vocabulary Builder 1.3.1 Free Full Activated

Free download Chinese Visual Vocabulary Builder 1.3.1 full version standalone offline installer for Windows PC,

Chinese Visual Vocabulary Builder Overview

It is an ingenious software application tailored to accelerate the acquisition of Mandarin Chinese vocabulary. This innovative tool integrates visual and auditory learning techniques, comprising an extensive collection of nearly 2,000 words and phrases.

Features of Chinese Visual Vocabulary Builder

Language-Learning Tool
It is a groundbreaking language-learning tool that redefines the traditional approach to mastering Chinese. With a focus on enhancing vocabulary acquisition, this software integrates visual and auditory learning techniques, presenting nearly 2,000 words and phrases in a highly accessible and engaging manner.

Empower Learners to Reach a Proficiency Level
The core methodology revolves around the flashcard drill concept, known for its effectiveness in language learning. The primary goal is to empower learners to reach a proficiency level categorized as very good. What distinguishes this platform is its adaptability, allowing users to structure their learning experience according to their preferences and objectives.

Visual and Auditory Aids
One of the standout features of the software is its fusion of visual and auditory aids. Each word or phrase is accompanied by vivid and memorable illustrations, complemented by articulate pronunciations from professional speakers. This combination is a potent mnemonic device, facilitating easier retention and recall of the learned vocabulary.

Customization lies at the heart of this software, offering users the liberty to curate their dictionaries. This unique feature enables the addition of new images and sound files, enabling learners to expand their vocabulary beyond the pre-set library. This flexibility allows individuals to concentrate on themes or topics like Traveling, Communication means, or Shopping, tailoring their learning experience to their interests and needs.

System Requirements and Technical Details

Operating System: Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7
Processor: Minimum 1 GHz Processor (2.4 GHz recommended)
RAM: 2GB (4GB or more recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 4GB or more recommended

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How to download and install Chinese Visual Vocabulary Builder

Or you can read the article dedicated to the download and installation steps: How to download softwares from PeskTop


425.03 MB
Zip password: 123
    Old versions
Program details
  • Program size
    425.03 MB
  • Version
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  • Last updated
    Before 16 Days
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