
Download Chris-PC CPU Booster 2.08.08 Free Full Activated

  • Download Chris-PC CPU Booster 2.08.08 Free Full Activated

Free download Chris-PC CPU Booster 2.08.08 full version standalone offline installer for Windows PC, It takes advantage of multi-core processors by notifying the foreground application to run on the CPU core that is being used the least.

Chris-PC CPU Booster Overview

Try Chris-PC CPU Booster for a fraction of the cost of a new computer and put that saved money to good use for other perks or fun activities. The easy-to-use features of the software will save you time and give you full control of CPU performance.

Moreover, most newly available software will have you thinking that you need to upgrade your PC, when in fact, you need to squeeze more juice from your existing CPU.

However, with the clever features of the Chris-PC CPU Booster, your favorite applications or software programs will run more smoothly on the same hardware. It's all about how the technology is used.

Features of Chris-PC CPU Booster

Optimizes games, photo editing software, video production and any software that requires excessive processing power to run much faster than the software was originally designed for, without any hardware upgrade.
Background running: Once installed, started and configured, CPU Booster will run quietly without user interaction to boost your favorite applications.
Artificial Intelligence constantly switches the foreground application to use the least used processor core on multi-core computers, ensuring applications always have the most CPU power available to them.
Includes a processor benchmark test to get an evaluation on the stability of your computer and RAM memory.
Provides statistics for a complete overview on your computer performance while running the CPU Booster software.
Provides dynamic systray icon which displays the CPU usage in real time.
Simple and intuitive interface.

System Requirements and Technical Details

Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more

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How to download and install Chris-PC CPU Booster

Or you can read the article dedicated to the download and installation steps: How to download softwares from PeskTop


8.07 MB
Zip password: 123
    Old versions
Program details
  • Program size
    8.07 MB
  • Version
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  • Last updated
    Before 2 Year
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