
Download Programming Jumbo Timer 3.3.0 Free Full Activated

  • Download Programming Jumbo Timer 3.3.0 Free Full Activated

Free download Programming Jumbo Timer 3.3.0 full version standalone offline installer for Windows PC,

Programming Jumbo Timer Overview

If you are looking for a simple, but powerful, easy-to-use and accurate Stop Watch / Count Down / Alarm Clock program for the Windows desktop, you have found it. It is designed to fulfill the needs of private and professional users who need a simple, but nice looking timer program.

It features a resizable interface with three main areas: the title bar (do display a short title), the time display and the info bar. The title bar and the info bar are optional.

The fonts for the digits, the background color as well as the colors for the display can be changed - or use one of the included color presets.

Features of Programming Jumbo Timer

Resizable window - from tiny to full screen - only your screen size is the limit!
Settings and timers are saved and loaded automatically
Timers can work as a Stop Watch, as a Count Down timer or as an Alarm Clock
Display can either be "analog" (real fonts) or old school LED style
Timers can be paused and resumed later, even after program shutdown
Optional Auto-Resume on program start - launches a timer which has been interrupted
Scientific-use accuracy! Jumbo Timer features a display accuracy of 1 second or (optional) 1/10 second, but a calculation accuracy of better than 1/100,000 (10-6) seconds internally (even on interrupted use)
Time spans are calculated from the start time and the current time, which guarantees the highest accuracy
Counts up to (or down from) 100 hours (over 4 days)
Colors and Fonts can be changed (several color combo presets are included)
Global, configurable hotkeys to start, stop, reset and show/hide all timers
Each timer can have a title bar with a changeable title, to remind you what it was set for
Display days, hours, minutes, seconds and 1/10 seconds (days, seconds and 1/10 seconds optional)
12 hour (AM/PM) or 24 hour (military time) format support

System Requirements and Technical Details

Supported OS: Windows 7/8/10
Processor: Pentium IV or higher
RAM: 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more

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How to download and install Programming Jumbo Timer

Or you can read the article dedicated to the download and installation steps: How to download softwares from PeskTop


1.39 MB
Zip password: 123
Program details
  • Program size
    1.39 MB
  • Version
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  • Last updated
    Before 1 Year
  • Downloads
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