Free download Xelitan Zip 1.2 full version standalone offline installer for Windows PC,
Xelitan Zip Overview
It is not your average file compression utility. While it handles the usual suspects like ZIP, RAR, and 7ZIP, it also offers compatibility with various formats, including lesser-known ones like GRP, HOG, LZH, and even disk images. With a user-friendly interface and no complex menus, everything you need is accessible from a clean toolbar.This simplicity makes it a go-to tool for anyone with multiple file formats. Its ability to preview files within its main window sets it apart from other archive managers. Though this feature is somewhat limited, especially with disk images, the number of supported formats gives it a clear edge over traditional tools. Whether you're compressing or decompressing files, this software ensures smooth handling of any format.
Features of Xelitan Zip
Extensive File Format Support: One of the standout features is its compatibility with over 300 file types. This includes well-known formats like ZIP, RAR, and TAR but also obscure ones like GX, LZX, and gaming resource archives. Whether you're handling comic book archives (CBR, CBZ, CBT) or packing game files, it has you covered.
Simplified User Interface: The development team kept the interface simple and uncluttered. There are no complex menus to navigate—just a toolbar filled with easy-to-understand icons covering all the essential functions. The design ensures that even beginners can use it with minimal effort.
Create and Compress Archives: This tool allows you to compress any file into formats such as 7Z, ZIP, TAR, Gzip, XZ, and Bzip2. It also allows password protection and data encryption for added security, making it an excellent choice for users who need to safeguard sensitive information.
Preview and Open Files: It allows you to preview various formats within its interface, from disk images to archive contents. While it doesn't allow mounting ISO files, viewing what’s inside the container without extracting is valuable for quick file management.
“Anything” Feature
A unique and slightly mysterious feature is the “Anything” button. This button is designed to open unsupported archives and unknown formats, attempting to analyze and display their content. It’s convenient if you come across a file type you've never seen before and want to check what's inside.
Testing Archive Integrity
Another valuable function is the ability to test archive integrity. It can check archives to ensure they are not corrupted, which can be a lifesaver when handling important data or large project files.
Shell Integration
It integrates directly with the Windows shell, allowing you to create archives straight from the context menu. However, unpacking files from the shell isn’t supported, which is a minor limitation. You’ll need to use the main interface to extract archives.
Supported Formats
It can read the following archives, disk images, and containers (total: 369)
.2 - Word Rescue
.7Z - 7-Zip archive
.7ZIP - 7-Zip archive
.86 - LZMA archive
.A - Ar archive
.A - Hellhog XP
.ABZ - Alpha Black Zero
.ACE - Marcel Lemke .ACE 1.2
.ALZ - Alzip
.APK - Android Package
.APM - APM image
.AR - Ar archive
.ARC - Thom Henderson ARC
.ARF - Packmania 2
.ARH - El Airplane
.ARJ - ARJ archive
.AWREPLAY - Arena Wars
.B16 - Base16
.B32 - Base32
.B64 - Base64 archive
.BFL - Colin McRae Rally data
.BH - BlakHole archive
.BI - MSLZ image
.BIG - Electronic Arts
.BIN - BIN image
.BIN - Chasm: The Rift
.BIN - X-Men Legends 2/XPand Rally
.BND - Neighbours From Hell 1
.BND - Neighbours From Hell 2
.BNSKIN - BeatNik Skin
.BNSND - BeatNik Skin
.BOE - Genie Outlook Express Backup Archive
.BOL - Genie Outlook Express Backup Archive
.BOS - Brotherhood of Steel package
.BOS - Fallout Tactics
.BOT - Team Factor
.BOX - Cellblock Squadrons
.BSZ - BSplayer Skin
.BZ - Bzip2 archive
.BZ2 - Bzip2 archive
.BZA - BZA archive
.BZIP2 - Bzip2 archive
.CAB - Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
.CAB - Cabinet archive
.CB7 - Comic book archive
.CBR - Comic book archive
.CBT - Comic book archive
.CBZ - Comic book archive
.CHI - Microsoft Help
.CHM - Compiled HTML Help
.CHQ - Microsoft Help
.CHW - Microsoft Help
.CO - Shareaza Collection
.CPIO - CPIO archive
.CRF - Thief: The Dark Age
.CRF - System Shock 2
.CRF - Thief 2: The Metal Age
.CSC - 18 Wheels Of Steel Pedal To The Metal
.CTP - Civilization: Call To Power
.CUREXSCHEME - CursorXP Scheme
.CURXPTHEME - CursorXP Theme
.DAT - Ricochet Xtreme
.DAT - Defcon
.DAT - Uplink
.DAT - Ricochet Lost Worlds Recharged
.DAT - Darwinia
.DAT - Defiance
.DAT - Star Wolves
.DAT - Against Rome
.DAT - Swarm
.DAT - Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader
.DAT - Shaws Nightmare
.DATA - Arena Wars
.DEB - Debian package
.DLL - Dynamic Linked Library
.DLT - Stargunner
.DLU - Dirty Little Helper 98
.DL_ - MSLZ image
.DMG - Apple Disk image
.DOC - Word Document
.DOCM - Word XML Macro-Enabled Document
.DOCX - Word XML Document
.DOT - Word Template
.DOTM - Word XML Macro-Enabled Template
.DOTX - Word XML Template
.DPK - Bunny Pro. Das2
.DPS - DivX Player skin
.DRS - Age of Empires
.DSFZ - DSFZ archive
.DTA - Hidden And Dangerous data
.DWZ - Compressed AutoCAD Drawing
.DXPACK - DesktopX package
.DXSTUDIO - DX Studio Player Document
.DXTHEME - DesktopX theme
.EAR - Java Enterprise Archive
.EGG - Alzip
.ENC - Uuencoded archive
.EPF - The Lion King
.EPUB - Electronic Publication
.ESD - Encrypted Windows Imaging Format
.EXE - Windows application
.EX_ - MSLZ image
.FAT - FAT image
.FAT - FreeAmp Skin
.FBZ - Shadowgrounds
.FF - Freedom Force
.FLMOD - Freelancer
.FLV - Flash Movie
.FODG - OpenDocument Graphics
.FODP - OpenDocument Presentation
.FODS - OpenDocument Spreadsheet
.FODT - OpenDocument Text
.FTG - Dark Reign
.FWP - FrontPage Web Packages
.GBM - Genie Backup Manager Archive
.GRO - Serious Sam
.GRO - Carnivores: Cityscape
.GRO2 - Serious Sam
.GRP - Duke Nukem 3D
.GRS - GetRight Skin
.GW1 - Gateworld
.GW2 - Gateworld
.GW3 - Gateworld
.GZ - Gzip archive
.GZA - GZA archive
.GZIP - Gzip archive
.HA - Harri Hirvola HA
.HFS - HFS image
.HFSX - HFS image
.HOG - Descent
.HQX - BinHex 4 archive
.HTS - HyperTuner Skin
.HVD - HoverDesk Theme
.HXI - Microsoft Help
.HXQ - Microsoft Help
.HXR - Microsoft Help
.HXS - Microsoft Help 2
.HXW - Microsoft Help
.IHEX - IHex Executable
.IMA - WinImage image
.IMG - IMG image
.IMZ - WinImage packed archive
.IP - IconPackager theme
.IP - IconPackager Skin
.IPTHEME - IconPackager Theme
.IPZ - ICQ Plus Skin
.ISO - ISO image
.IWD - Call of Duty
.IWD - Call of Duty 3
.IWD - Call of Duty 2
.IWD - Call of Duty 4
.JAR - Java Archive
.KMZ - Google Earth Saved Session
.LBR - Gary P. Novosielski LBR
.LHA - LHA archive
.LIB - The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes
.LIB - Car and Driver
.LIB - Ar archive
.LIT - Microsoft Reader ebook
.LOD - Heroes of Might and Magic 3
.LOGONXP - LogonStudio document
.LZH - LHA archive
.LZMA - LZMA archive
.LZP - Law And Order 3 Justice Is Served
.LZX - Amiga LZX
.MAFF - Mozilla Archive Format
.MBF - Money Backup Files
.MBR - MBR image
.MGZ - Metal Gear Solid
.MMZ - MusicMatch Jukebox Skin
.MOB - Master of Orion 3
.MP3SKIN - UltraMP3 Skin
.MSI - Windows Installer package
.MSKIN - Maxthon Skin
.MSP - Microsoft Windows Installer
.MUB - Mub Executable
.NOB - Vampire: The Masquerade
.NSIS - Nullsoft Scriptable Install System
.NTFS - NTFS image
.OBPACK - ObjectBar package
.ODB - OpenDocument Database
.ODF - OpenDocument Formulae
.ODG - OpenDocument Graphics
.ODM - OpenDocument Global Document
.ODP - OpenDocument Presentation
.ODS - OpenDocument Spreadsheet
.ODT - OpenDocument Text
.OTG - OpenDocument Graphics Template
.OTH - OpenDocument HTML Template
.OTP - OpenDocument Presentation Template
.OTS - OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template
.OTT - OpenDocument Text Template
.OXT - OpenDocument Extension
.PAC - Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive
.PAK - Alexander
.PAK - FarCry
.PAK - Great Battles of WWII: Stalingrad
.PAK - Homm5
.PAK - Buzz! The Great Music Quiz
.PAK - Quake
.PAK - PAK archive
.PAK - Doom 2
.PAK - Crime Life: Gang Wars
.PAK - Perimeter
.PAK - Xpand Rally
.PAK - Chrome SpecForce
.PAK - Blitzkrieg
.PAK - Blitzkrieg Burning Horizon
.PAK - Blitzkrieg Rolling Thunder
.PAK - Outfront
.PAK - Brothers Pilots 4
.PAK - Call of Juarez
.PAK - Maximus XV
.PAK - Soldiers: Heroes Of World War 2
.PAK - Monte Cristo
.PAK - Paradise Cracked
.PCF - Philips Pronto NG Skin
.PCK - In the Groove
.PCL - The Oregon Trail
.PCV - MozBackup archive
.PD_ - MSLZ image
.PGZ - StreamLync Download archive
.PHAR - PHP Archive
.PK1 - XS Mark
.PK2 - XS Mark
.PK3 - Soldier Of Fortune 2
.PK3 - Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast
.PK3 - Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.2
.PK3 - Quake 3 package
.PK3 - Return To Castle Wolfenstein
.PK3 - American McGee Alice
.PK3 - Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
.PK3 - Call of Duty
.PK4 - Doom 3
.PK4 - Doom 3 Resurrection Of Evil
.PK4 - Quake 4 package
.PKG - XAR archive
.POD - Hoyle Games 2005
.POD - Terminator 3
.POT - PowerPoint Template
.POTM - PowerPoint XML Macro-Enabled Template
.POTX - PowerPoint XML Template
.PPAM - PowerPoint XML Macro-Enabled Add-In
.PPMD - PPMD archive
.PPS - PowerPoint Presentation
.PPSM - PowerPoint XML Macro-Enabled Show
.PPSX - PowerPoint XML Show
.PPT - PowerPoint Presentation
.PPTM - PowerPoint XML Macro-Enabled Presentation
.PPTX - PowerPoint XML Presentation
.PPZ - PowerPoint Packed Presentation
.PSH - Itch
.PSH - Pusher
.PSZ - Pocket Player Skin
.QQQ - Richard Greenlaw Squeeze
.QSF - Quintessential Player Skin
.QSK - Quintessential Player skin
.QSK - Quintessential Player Skin
.R00 - RAR archive
.R01 - RAR archive
.RAR - RAR archive
.RBZ - Richard Burns Rally
.RES - Swat 3 Close Quarters Battle
.RFF - Blood
.RJS - Real Jukebox Skin
.ROD - Hot Rod American Street Drag
.RPM - Red Hat package
.RVI - Revenant
.RVM - Revenant
.RVR - Revenant
.S - Calenz Skin
.S2Z - Savage
.SAV - Sabotain
.SCAP - UEFIc executable
.SCS - Hunting Unlimited 3
.SCS - 18 Wheels Of Steel: Convoy
.SHR - Shadow Warrior
.SKM - SketchUp material
.SKN - ICQ Skin
.SKS - Shareaza Skin
.SMZIP - StepMania package
.SQ - Richard Greenlaw Squeeze
.SQSH - SquashFS disk image
.SSZ - Spider Player Skin
.STC - OpenDocument 1.1 Calc Template
.STD - OpenDocument 1.1 Graphics Template
.STI - OpenDocument 1.1 Presentation Template
.STW - OpenDocument 1.1 Text Template
.SUITE - WinStyles Suite
.SUITE - Winstyles Suite
.SWF - SWF animation
.SWFC - SWF animation
.SWM - Windows Imaging Format
.SXC - OpenDocument 1.1 Calc
.SXD - OpenDocument 1.1 Graphics
.SXI - OpenDocument 1.1 Presentation
.SXM - OpenDocument 1.1 Formulae
.SXT - Singles Flirt Up Your Life
.SXW - OpenDocument 1.1 Text
.SYS - Windows System file
.T64 - T64 archive
.TAR - Tape archive
.TAZ - Tar Z archive
.TBZ - Tar Bzip2 archive
.TBZ2 - Tar Bzip2 archive
.TGZ - Tar Gzip archive
.THMX - PowerPoint 2007 Theme
.TPZ - Tar Gzip archive
.TSK - Pocket PC Skin
.TXZ - Tar XZ archive
.TZ - Tar Z archive
.U3P - U3 Installer
.UBN - The Fall: Last Days Of Gaia
.UDF - UDF image
.UPP - Ultra Protection Project Theme
.UTZ - Symbian OS theme
.UU - Uuencoded archive
.UUE - Uuencoded archive
.VDI - VDI disk image
.VHD - Vista disk image
.VL2 - Tribes 2
.VMDK - VMDK disk image
.WAD - Quake WAD package
.WAL - Winamp 3 Skin
.WAR - Java Web application Archive
.WBA - Window Blinds skin
.WIM - Windows Imaging Format
.WMZ - Windows Media Player skin
.WSW - WorkShelf Skin
.WSZ - WinAMP skin
.WSZ - Winamp skin
.XAP - Silverlight package
.XAR - Extensible Archive
.XIP - Extensible Archive
.XLS - Excel Spreadsheet
.XLSB - Excel Spreadsheet
.XLSM - Excel XML Macro-Enabled Workbook
.XLSX - Excel XML Workbook
.XLT - Excel Template
.XLTM - Excel XML Macro-Enabled Temlate
.XLTX - Excel XML Temlate
.XPI - XPInstall archive
.XPTHEME - WinStyles Theme
.XSN - InfoPath Form Template
.XXE - Xxencoded archive
.XZ - XZ archive
.YFS - Yahoo! Player Skin
.Z - Z archive
.Z2F - Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species
.ZA - Vietnam: Line Of Sight
.ZA - Deadly Dozen 2 Pacific Theater
.ZA - Deadly Dozen
.ZA - Line of Sight: Vietnam
.ZA - Elite Warriors
.ZAB - Zipped Audio Book
.ZDS - DVDSubber Subtitles
.ZIP - ZIP archive
.ZIPFS - Duke Nukem - Manhattan Project
.ZIPFS - 18 Wheels Of Steel Across America
.ZIPFS - Hard Truck: 18 Wheels Of Steel
.ZIPFS - Shark: Hunting The Great White
.ZIPX - Extended ZIP archive
.ZSK - Zoner Media Explorer Skin
.ZTD - Dinosaur Digs/Marine Mania
.ZTD - Zoo Tycoon
System Requirements and Technical Details
Operating System: Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7
Processor: Minimum 1 GHz Processor (2.4 GHz recommended)
RAM: 2GB (4GB or more recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 200MB or more is recommended
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Program size2.42 MB
Program languagemultilanguage
Last updatedBefore 4 Month
How to download and install Xelitan Zip
Press the green "Direct Download" button only, and the download will take place within two seconds automatically, without any intervention from you.
Turn off the firewall in Windows so that no crack files are deleted after decompression. You can follow the steps in the following article: How to disable Windows Defender Antivirus
To decompress the file, you need some simple steps. First download the Winrar program if it is not already on your device, and then you can follow the steps through this article dedicated to the decompression method: How to decompress RAR files
Open the installation folder after decompressing and click on the installation file.