
Download Luxand FaceSDK 7.2.1 Free Full Activated

  • Download Luxand FaceSDK  7.2.1 Free Full Activated
  • Download Luxand FaceSDK  7.2.1 Free Full Activated
  • Download Luxand FaceSDK  7.2.1 Free Full Activated

Free download Luxand FaceSDK 7.2.1 full version standalone offline installer for Windows PC,

Luxand FaceSDK Overview

Luxand FaceSDK 7 is used in hundreds of applications for identifying and authenticating users with webcams, looking up matching faces in photo databases, automatically detecting facial features in graphic editors, and detecting faces on still images and video streams in real-time. FaceSDK has been used for building secure identification, surveillance, time and attendance control systems.

Luxand’s patent pending technology detects facial features quickly and reliably. The SDK processes an image, detects human faces within it, and returns the coordinates of 70 facial feature points including eyes, eye contours, eyebrows, lip contours, nose tip, and so on.

The SDK automates the task, allowing you to make new avatars on the fly. Imagine letting your customers upload their pictures and immediately receive their animated avatars! The SDK recognizes the face in a photograph and returns the coordinates of facial features in a list of anchor points. Your software can easily match facial features such as eyes, mouth, nose, and ears to the points on your 3D head model, creating a head that looks and moves like the original.

Features of Luxand FaceSDK

Detect Human Faces and Facial Features
Immerse Yourself in Augmented Reality
Create 3D Head Models
Make Animated 3D Avatars Completely Automatically

System Requirements and Technical Details

The FaceSDK library supports the following platforms:
Windows XP SP3/2003 SP2/Vista/2008/2012, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Linux (RHEL 5+, CentOS 5+ and other)
Linux/ARMv7 (Raspberry Pi2+)
MacOS 10.7+ x86_64
IOS 7.0+, armv7/x86 (iPhone 4+, iPad 2+, simulator)
IOS 7.0+, arm64/x86_64 (iPhone 5S+, iPad Air+, iPad mini retina+, simulator)
Android 4.0+ (platform version 14+), arm64 (arm64-v8a)/ armv7 (armv7 (armeabi-v7a))/ x86
Minimum system requirements:
1.6 GHz processor
256 MB RAM
An Intel processor is recommended for better performance.
Recommended system requirements:
Intel Core i7, i9, Xeon or AMD Ryzen processor
DirectShow-compatible webcam (on Windows)
IP camera with MJPEG interface (like AXIS IP cameras)

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How to download and install Luxand FaceSDK

Or you can read the article dedicated to the download and installation steps: How to download softwares from PeskTop


560.80 MB
Zip password: 123
Program details
  • Program size
    560.80 MB
  • Version
  • Program language
  • Last updated
    Before 4 Month
  • Downloads
Download link for : : Luxand FaceSDK
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