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Abelssoft SSD Fresh Plus 2025
Abelssoft SSD Fresh Plus 2025 v14.0.56618
Did you know your precious S.S.D. drive has a limited lifetime (number of write accesses per memory cell)? Do you want to increase the life of your S.S.D.? S.S.D. Fresh helps you to deactivate all unn...
Hard Disk Tools
5.64 MB
VovSoft Collect URL
VovSoft Collect URL 3.4
Collect URL scans the internet like a search engine bot. A user can limit the collected URL to collecting a single domain. It recursively scans all the links in the list. The connection and response t...
Tools & Utilities
4.01 MB
Peregrine Labs Yeti
Peregrine Labs Yeti 5.0.5
It is a sophisticated tool used in the animation and visual effects (VFX) industry. It allows artists to create highly detailed and realistic fur, feathers, and hair on digital models. This tool integ...
Graphics & Design
83.10 MB
Album Xpress Premium
Album Xpress Premium 15.0
It is your all-in-one solution for creative design needs. This premium software offers a range of features that make it easy to create professional-looking designs without extensive graphic design exp...
Graphics & Design
1.16 GB
CLO Standalone
CLO Standalone 2024.1.112
Instantly review changes as any modifications to 2D patterns, colors, textures, and finishing details are immediately stimulated. Improve the quality of designs by checking silhouette and fit soone...
Graphics & Design
1.96 GB
 DxO PhotoLab Elite
DxO PhotoLab Elite
The resulting profiles let DxO PhotoLab automatically and effectively correct any optical flaws in your equipment. With the inclusion of local adjustment tools, DxO has transformed a tremendous RAW co...
Graphics & Design
792.52 MB
Anss Studio One Click Album 2024
Anss Studio One Click Album 2024 v4.1.0.0
It is designed to revolutionize the way you create photo albums. It’s perfect for both professional photographers and hobbyists. The software allows users to easily design photo albums using pre-mad...
Graphics & Design
1.91 GB
It is the most efficient way to visualize crystal and molecular structures. Its interactive design lets you "see the wood for the trees" and build your visual understanding of complex materi...
Graphics & Design
99.18 MB
NNCleanup 1.5.0 for Nuke
It happens due to accumulating temporary, log, and other unnecessary files. The solution to this problem is NNCleanup, a software that cleans up your Windows system files, optimizes performance and pr...
Graphics & Design
1.22 GB
Windows 10 - Cumulative Update
Windows 10 - Cumulative Update August 2024
Cumulative updates are Windows updates that include improvements to enhance the functionality of the application/programs on the Windows operating system. This update utility keeps your computer up-to...
Tools & Utilities
658.57 MB
Windows 11 - Cumulative Update August 2024
Windows 11 - Cumulative Update August 2024
Cumulative Updates arrive regularly, usually once a month, and are installed automatically through Windows Update. They're essential for maintaining system stability, protecting your data from vulnera...
Tools & Utilities
731.88 MB
It allows you to view over 70+ standard image formats, including .gif, .svg, .png, .heic, … and many more advanced features that help normal users or designers speed up their work. ImageGlass is ...
Graphics & Design
31.45 MB