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DeskArtes 3Data Expert
This is a professional tool for preparing 3D models for Additive Manufacturing and Simulation applications. There are several commands for the manipulation of both 3D surface models and 3D faceted mod...
Engineering & Simulation
168.94 MB

Cresset Flare 9.0.0
It is a powerful computational toolbox widely used by professionals in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, academia, and other industries to accelerate the discovery and optimization of small molecules. T...
Engineering & Simulation
1.55 GB

CSI SAP2000 Ultimate
SAP2000 Ultimate is general-purpose civil-engineering software ideal for analyzing and designing any structural system. Basic and advanced systems, ranging from 2D to 3D, of simple geometry to complex...
Engineering & Simulation
913.59 MB

SolidCAM 2024 SP2 for Solid Edge
SolidCAM for SolidWorks is the leading Integrated CAM software which runs directly inside in SOLIDWORKS and Autodesk Inventor, with seamless integration and full tool path associativity.
With the s...
Engineering & Simulation
4.92 GB

Siemens NX 2406 Build 4001
Supporting every aspect of product development, from concept design through engineering and manufacturing, this program gives you an integrated toolset that coordinates disciplines, preserves data int...
Engineering & Simulation
15.80 GB

SketchUp Pro 2024 v24.0.594
There’s a reason SketchUp Pro is synonymous with friendly and forgiving 3D modeling software: we don’t sacrifice usability for the sake of functionality. Start by drawing lines and shapes. Push an...
Engineering & Simulation
1.08 GB

Tetraface IncTetraface Inc Metasequoia 4.9.0a
Three-dimensional model design, especially creating human or animal-like characters, requires some knowledge and, most importantly, suitable tools for the job. For those who made some 3D creations usi...
Engineering & Simulation
101.18 MB

It is an advanced NEXRAD Level II analysis application. The user-defined products feature allows users to create their own derived products like this built-in derived products.
Engineering & Simulation
163.58 MB

Meta Spark Player v187.1
It is a seamless bridge between your designs in Meta Spark Studio and the real-world application of augmented reality effects. The primary purpose of this tool is to provide users with a straightforwa...
Graphics & Design
767.97 MB

Colors Pro 3.2.0
A color picker that helps you easily select a desired color using various pallets. It can also pick a color from the currently displayed screen content and supports a number of different color models,...
Graphics & Design
1.74 MB

BioSolvetIT infiniSee 6.2.0
It is a powerful software solution developed by BioSolveIT GmbH, a leading company in computational drug design. This software is designed to help scientists and researchers in the pharmaceutical indu...
Engineering & Simulation
60.96 MB

Nobe Omniscope 1.10.142
It is loaded with powerful features that make color grading easy. GPU acceleration, HDR, StreamDeck support. Use the benefits of GPU acceleration and monitor your images in real-time with almost no de...
Graphics & Design
70.40 MB