
Blumentals Rapid CSS 2022
Blumentals Rapid CSS 2022 v17.7.0.248
Rapid CSS Editor هو محرر أكواد HTML و CSS مصمم ليجعلك أكثر إنتاجية. باستخدام Rapid CSS ، يمكنك إنشاء مواقع ويب حديثة مبنية على ...
96.19 MB
Blumentals WeBuilder 2022
Blumentals WeBuilder 2022 v17.7.0.248
WeBuilder is a fast, intelligent and powerful all-in-one code editor for web developers. Clean interface, quick startup, superb flexibility and powerful features make creating and managing HTML, CSS, ...
114.99 MB
GSA PR Emulator
GSA PR Emulator 1.0
GSA PR Emulator is a revolutionary software designed to emulate PageRank (PR) values in real time, allowing you to simulate the impact of different PR values on your website's search engine rankings. ...
14.87 MB
Pdfium.Net SDK
Pdfium.Net SDK 2023
Sharing important documents to preserve the formatting and layout of files, PDFs offer a reliable and universal format. To harness the full potential of PDF manipulation in applications, developers ca...
41.29 MB
Riverblade ResOrg
Riverblade ResOrg
This is a powerful and versatile tool designed specifically for Windows developers to enhance their development process. This typical Visual C++ project will contain at least one resource (.rc) file. ...
26.53 MB
SentiMask SDK
SentiMask SDK 2.0.193121.6
This is intended for developers using 3D face tracking for motion capture and digital character or avatar control in their applications or projects. The SDK allows rapid development of augmented reali...
301.87 MB
Razor vs Blazor Alternatives
Razor vs Blazor Alternatives 2023
These are two of the most popular web UI frameworks for creating web apps in the Visual Studio development environment. This blog post will examine the similarities and differences between these two ....
225.80 MB
Studio Controls COM
Studio Controls COM 1.0
This is an influential toolkit for developers that enables them to create professional and feature-rich user interfaces. This comprehensive set of controls simplifies the development process, allowing...
70.59 MB
BootIt Collection
BootIt Collection 1.0
The BootIt Collection covers multi-booting, partitioning, and disk imaging on traditional PCs that use the standard BIOS and newer PCs that use UEFI. The collection includes BootIt Bare Metal (BIBM) f...
9.47 MB
Coolutils Total HTML Converter
Coolutils Total HTML Converter
When you need to turn thousands of HTML pages into different formats, the Total HTML Converter has everything you need to do the job right. When you use the Total HTML Converter, a variety of addition...
114.45 MB
PilotEdit 17.4.0
PilotEdit is a handy and reliable file editor designed to help users to execute scripts, extract strings and edit large files. PilotEdit is a file editor that will help you search and replace multi li...
34.63 MB
Navicat for MySQL
Navicat for MySQL 16.1.15
It is a single application that allows you to connect to MySQL and MariaDB databases simultaneously. Compatible with cloud databases like Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Oracle Cloud, and Google Cloud. ...
56.27 MB