Tools & Utilities

Desktop TreNotes
Desktop TreNotes 9.20.0421.2
This is a hierarchical note list program, a companion for AnTreNotes. You can assign different attributes such as color, category, icon, priority, due date, status type, tags, etc. It offers organized...
19.34 MB
SuperCopier is a system tool that aims to significantly reduce time when you are copying or moving files. It definitely comes in handy when you are dealing with large files, and when Windows' copy and...
14.60 MB
USB Drive Backup Restore
USB Drive Backup Restore 6.0
This software allows you to back up all the data on a USB storage device to a disk image file on a higher-capacity device and restore it when needed. The backup and restore process uses raw disk acces...
1.66 MB
Easy Win Config
Easy Win Config v2022
This software makes it easier to configure Windows with just a few clicks. The currently available configurations are disabling or activating custom settings for windows updates so that you feel comfo...
1.48 MB
PCmover Professional
PCmover Professional 11.3.1015.919
Furthermore PCmover Business offers migration solutions without adhering to IT policy mandates, allowing for custom configuration. Consumers can freely operate their selection of programs, migrating a...
184.38 MB
EedSoft Jpg Keywords
EedSoft Jpg Keywords 1.9
This program is a tiny tool designed to help you edit keywords in JPG files. The utility can come in handy when you are re-organizing the pictures in new albums or editing camera-added metadata.
18.59 MB
iSunshare Workbook Unprotect Genius
iSunshare Workbook Unprotect Genius 2.1.20
This software allows you to Unprotect Excel Workbook powerfully. It helps you unprotect excel workbook instantly with one click. After removing the excel sheet protection password, workbook protection...
1.29 MB
Sicyon Calculator
Sicyon Calculator 5.8
This is an all-in-one scientific calculator for every student or professor, researcher or developer - everybody doing physics or chemistry / science or engineering using formulas and tables of constan...
17.66 MB
Argus Monitor
Argus Monitor 5.1.07
Monitor temperatures and status of system components such as CPU, GPU and hard disk drive, run SMART analysis and make sure your computer is healthy. A computer’s life can be considerably lengthe...
9.82 MB
AV Uninstall Tools Pack
AV Uninstall Tools Pack 2021.05
This program is a free package of tools designed to remove different antivirus programs. It includes tools for removing more than 40 antivirus and antispyware programs and firewalls. These tools ar...
328.75 MB
BitRecover VBA Password Remover Wizard
BitRecover VBA Password Remover Wizard 3.1
This VBA Password Unlocker is an excellent tool to remove VBA project password without hex editor. This is an all-in-one software to remove password protection from vba project macros and modules havi...
2.57 MB
MagicCopyPaster 1.0
This expands the clipboard's functions, allowing you to copy or cut an unlimited number of items. It is very easy to use and has intuitive graphical interface. When enabled, all copied and cut text...
1.76 MB