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Microsoft Windows Calculator 1.0
This versatile tool offers different calculator modes and converters, whether dealing with standard calculations, scientific equations, programming tasks, or graphing functions.
Tools & Utilities
312.86 KB

Alternate Shutdown 1.0
It is a user-friendly application designed to simplify shutting down your computer. Whether you need to step away from your desk and want your system to shut down automatically or if you have a specif...
Tools & Utilities
1.19 MB

Alternate Font Sizer 1.0
It is a user-friendly program that caters to adjusting font sizes. Its ability to make font adjustments without affecting the overall display scaling sets it apart. This means you can enjoy customized...
Tools & Utilities
1.59 MB

Alternate File Shredder 1.0
It is a user-friendly program to ensure deleted files and folders remain irrecoverable. The program's primary function is to overwrite the data, making it virtually impossible for any recovery tools t...
Tools & Utilities
1.61 MB

Alternate ConsumptionCalc 1.0
It is a versatile program designed for capturing meter readings or consumption values effortlessly. It caters to users who require a straightforward solution for recording data every month. Whether yo...
Tools & Utilities
1.66 MB

reeZip - RAR and ZIP Extractor 1.0
It is a versatile compression tool that caters to the needs of users. With a straightforward approach, it lets you compress files with just a few clicks. The program's efficiency is highlighted by its...
Tools & Utilities
311.88 KB

Meteonorm 8.2.0
It boasts global coverage, tapping into data from more than 8,000 weather stations worldwide and utilizing information from five geostationary satellites. The standard data periods are 1996–2015 for...
Tools & Utilities
388.53 MB

Windows 11 Moment 5.0 Update
Windows 11 Moment marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the Windows operating system, introducing many exciting features and improvements that enhance productivity, creativity, and user ex...
Tools & Utilities
676.00 MB

Alternate Translation KIT 1.0
It is a versatile software designed to facilitate the translation and modification of 'Alternate Tools' Programs. Whether you're a multilingual user seeking a customized experience or a language enthu...
Tools & Utilities
1.26 MB

Alternate Memo 1.0
It is a lightweight yet powerful solution for managing clipboard content on your PC. Whether you're a casual user or a professional, this program offers convenience and efficiency in handling text ele...
Tools & Utilities
1.26 MB

MecaNet 1.0
Its simple interface and interactive lessons cater to users of all skill levels, from beginners aiming to improve their typing speed to advanced users seeking to refine their accuracy. The program is ...
Tools & Utilities
599.11 KB

Code Spark OneTask 1.0
It is not just another task management app; it's a comprehensive solution to simplify your daily activities. With a user-friendly interface and myriad features, it stands out in the competitive landsc...
Tools & Utilities
311.62 KB