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DeskIn Remote Desktop
DeskIn Remote Desktop 1.0
It is a cutting-edge remote desktop solution designed to provide users with seamless access to their devices from anywhere in the world. With its high-performance virtual screen generation, multi-scre...
Network & WiFi
1.59 MB
Zero Byte Net Speed Meter
Zero Byte Net Speed Meter 1.0
Its lightweight desktop application provides a quick and convenient way to monitor your Internet connection's download and upload speeds. Once installed, it displays a small meter on your desktop, rem...
Network & WiFi
311.55 KB
Leo Corporation Datalya
Leo Corporation Datalya
This tool simplifies the process of managing data. It provides a streamlined and intuitive interface that caters to beginners and experienced users. With this software, you can effortlessly create and...
Network & WiFi
3.07 MB
MacPaw ClearVPN
MacPaw ClearVPN 1.0
Its user-friendly approach and innovative features stand out in the crowded VPN market. Unlike traditional VPNs that overwhelm users with complex settings and technical jargon, it offers a streamlined...
Network & WiFi
665.67 KB
Husarnet 2.0.180
It operates as a Software-Defined Network (SDN), where its Clients and Base Servers manage all data forwarding (data plane). The intuitive Dashboard and Web setup interfaces handle the configuration a...
Network & WiFi
7.02 MB
BoostingSuite Free VPN
BoostingSuite Free VPN 1.0
It is designed to provide users a fast, secure, and reliable way to surf the web without restrictions. Unlike other VPN services, which offer limitations such as data caps or speed throttling, it offe...
Network & WiFi
311.61 KB
It is a software that streamlines discovering and connecting to Wi-Fi networks. It's especially handy for individuals who do not have an Internet flat rate, as it saves you from the hassle of searchin...
Network & WiFi
44.13 MB
VMware ESXi
VMware ESXi 8.0.2
It is designed to maximize resource utilization, improve performance, streamline IT administration, and reduce hardware costs. Creating virtual operating systems, applications, and data instances, ena...
Network & WiFi
593.63 MB
SystemTools Hyena
SystemTools Hyena 15.2.0
Using the built-in Windows administration tools to manage a medium to large Windows 200x network or Active Directory environment can be a challenge. Add multiple domains, hundreds or thousands of s...
Network & WiFi
19.05 MB
The smallest free tool for monitoring computers in your local network and any internet hosts. Just start this, open popup-menu in tray and get the information about computers network state.
Network & WiFi
535.07 KB
Bitvise SSH Server and Client
Bitvise SSH Server and Client 1.0
It offers a comprehensive suite of features tailored to meet users' needs, requiring secure remote access and file transfer capabilities. Its intuitive interface and extensive feature set make it a re...
Network & WiFi
29.08 MB
Advanced Network IP-Tools
Advanced Network IP-Tools 3.00
This multifunctional software suite caters to the needs of users who want to monitor and manage their network connections efficiently. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, network administrator, or an av...
Network & WiFi
2.99 MB