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Folder Painter
Folder Painter 1.3
The program provides you with dozens of colors for modifying the directory icon color, mainly taints of green, blue and red. Despite the simplicity, these colors can act as an indicator for the priori...
Desktop Enhancement
2.70 MB
Omnimo 10.0.4
It simply allows you to place modules and items on your desktop, it doesn’t change the way you use Windows. The start menu, the taskbar, and even the desktop icons (optional) are still there and int...
Desktop Enhancement
16.93 MB
Update Time
Update Time 1.3
Correct erroneous date and time information on your computer in a quick and effective manner by turning to this lightweight application. An easy-to-use application. Sometimes your system might beco...
Desktop Enhancement
813.63 KB
Voice Desktop Clock
Voice Desktop Clock 2.9.0
This program works and looks like a standard analog clock with extra features. It appears while system startup and resides on your desktop. Almost all details you are able to configure including diffe...
Desktop Enhancement
10.69 MB
Windows 11 UX Pack
Windows 11 UX Pack 1.0
This software will theme your Windows 10 desktop with Windows 11 Light/Dark themes, wallpapers, sound effects, and more.
Desktop Enhancement
31.95 MB
iScreensaver Designer
iScreensaver Designer
This software makes screensavers for Windows using Image, Movie, Video (MP4/H.264), Live Photo, and 3D Model (GLB) files. It is truly cross-platform, edit on Windows. Create once Distribute across Win...
Desktop Enhancement
69.28 MB
Winstep Xtreme
Winstep Xtreme 20.10
This software has a superb collection of utilities and desktop enhancements to transform your desktop. It will change the way you work with Windows forever. Let's have a desktop that becomes the envy ...
Desktop Enhancement
44.62 MB
Stardock Curtains
Stardock Curtains 1.19.1
Easily create and add additional style modes to Windows 10. Add new "modes" to Windows 10. Create and share your styles. Customize the Start button, title bar buttons, and title bar. Adjust ...
Desktop Enhancement
33.90 MB
Taskbar 11
Taskbar 11 v5.0.2
This program can customize the Windows 11 taskbar's look, which doesn't have any options by default. The taskbar can be set to the top or bottom (default) screen. It also allows for setting various ic...
Desktop Enhancement
42.63 KB
Stardock IconPackager
Stardock IconPackager 10.03
This desktop enhancement utility lets you change all the familiar icons used by Windows at once by applying "packages" of icons to them. You can download these packages at Web sites such as ...
Desktop Enhancement
67.45 MB
ReIcon 2.0
This software will save and restore your desktop icon layouts by allowing you to save your desktop layout and restore it with the click of a button. Suppose you frequently change your screen resolutio...
Desktop Enhancement
991.82 KB
Pichon (Icons8)
Pichon (Icons8) 9.6.8
All our Icons Offline on Your Computer works with Photoshop, Adobe XD, Visual Studio, or anything. The app stores all the Icons8 icons on your hard drive, and these are available in any format, size, ...
Desktop Enhancement
191.65 MB